2016 24 Hours Oslo master-level design studio @ Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Research Centre for Architecture and Tectonics & Advanced Computational Design Laboratory

Design for demographic change is a key design problem for today’s fast changing populations and rapid urbanization, with all the associated conditions and dynamics the latter entails. How can one project possible futures and how can one design for uncertain outcomes?

The 24 hour Oslo studio addressed the question what kind of provisions are needed for a growing young population in Norway’s capital that can afford increasingly less due to rampant commodification of space. This entails among other aspects the need for visions for the future of collective space and activities. Students undertook detailed analyses of demographic change and the programmatic provisions of different neighborhoods of Oslo and developed projects in response to the needs that arise from demographic change. The project Oslo Convergence by Mattia Lomaglio received the Knowledge Oslo (Kunnskap Oslo) Award.

24 hour Oslo: Oslo Convergence, Matteo Lomaglio, 2016.
24 hour Oslo: Oslo Convergence, Matteo Lomaglio, 2016.
24 hour Oslo: Oslo Convergence, Matteo Lomaglio, 2016.
24 hour Oslo: Oslo Convergence, Matteo Lomaglio, 2016.
24 hour Oslo: Oslo Convergence, Matteo Lomaglio, 2016.
24 hour Oslo: Oslo Convergence, Matteo Lomaglio, 2016.
24 hour Oslo: Oslo Convergence, Matteo Lomaglio, 2016.

The work of the studio is included in the following publications:

Hensel M, Sørensen SS (2019) Performance-oriented Architecture and Urban Design – Relating Information-based Design and Systems-thinking in Architecture. FORMAkademisk 12(2): 1-17. https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.2963