Nesodden Densification Plan

2018 Phase 1

Project Team: Michael U. Hensel, Defne Sunguroğlu Hensel, Matteo Lomaglio

Nesodden is a municipality located on a peninsula in the Oslofjord, Norway, a short ferry ride from the city center of Oslo. As Oslo is rapidly growing in population over the next decade, it is likely that the pressure for building will be extending to neighbouring municipalities such as Nesodden. Currently the municipality is characterised by small-scale suburban fabric, agriculture and natural areas. Our project raises the question how such a location can be densified without excessive removal of vegetation and related exposure of soil to rapid erosion, without flattening of the terrain and related massive disturbance of soil and water regimes and increasing the flood risk due to increasing precipitation, and without diminishing local ecology. In the first phase of the project we conducted extensive analyses of the terrain and ecological aspects of a larger portion of the peninsula and undertook a design study for a selected site. The design projects an increase the number of family houses but retains terrain and vegetation to a very large extent. The project is now in the second phase of the project developing a more detailed plan for a selected site.

Nesodden Densification Plan: (left to right) analysis of terrain morphology, vegetation, slope analysis, solar radiation, sun path, surface water run-off, closest points.
Nesodden Densification Plan: terrain and vegetation informed distribution of type 1 and 2 houses (left), and terrain-specific circulation system (right).
Nesodden Densification Plan: terrain-specific circulation and housing type 1 and 2 distribution
Nesodden Densification Plan: terrain-specific housing types 1 and 2